Jon Rowling

As a Director, Jon’s experience includes representing both landlords and tenants in complex high value dilapidations disputes on all classes of property in both the English and Welsh and the Scottish jurisdictions. He has experience representing clients in negotiations and at mediation and regularly is appointed as expert witness either by individual parties or as a court-approved single joint expert.

Jon is a RICS accredited independent expert for dilapidations disputes; was engaged by RICS to train other dilapidations specialist to join the RICS’ panel of independent experts; and was lead author of the RICS Dilapidations Dispute Resolution Scheme.

Jon is also an established arbitrator and has developed a series of TFT arbitration rules for various disputes, including dilapidations and service charge.  You can download copies of the rules here.

Jon is lead author of the current RICS Dilapidations Guidance Note (England and Wales); was chair of the RICS Dilapidations Forum from 2010 to 2015; speaks regularly on dilapidations and dispute resolution; and is a regular contributing author on these subjects. Jon is also the author of the TFT Purple Book, the definitive guide to the complex area of dilapidations. Get a glimpse of the guide here. You can see Jon’s full profile here.

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Away from the office I’m with my family most of the time, occasionally indispersed with a bit of learning, watching television and avoiding too much exercise, bike riding aside. My wife and children make up for my lack of sporting ambition and I’m very proud of them for doing so. At the time of writing, much of my spare time is taken up refurbishing our house to make it larger, air-tight, efficient, warm and fossil-fuel-free. Whenever you’re reading this, that project is probably still on-going!